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Lady Horde

I've been noting that i'm kind of getting down to the figures that i've been passing on. So this time i decided to just pull out all the female figures, many of whom i've skipped in the past due to "sexy" poses or nudity. My goal was to do these kind of quickly and not obsess over details; i basically let the washes do the work.

The worst offender is this giant. I guess the top-half boob coverings and the heart-shaped vagina covering mean that she's not entirely naked, but she might as well be. I love that the one place a giant has decided to wear armor is on her shoulders, because clearly that's where you're getting attacked all the time, not your legs. No need to even wear shoes!

Then there's the pose. Totally appropriate for a swords and sorcery adventure game. Just to really demonstrate the problem, here's her butt.

Next up we have our sexy demons. One is completely naked. The other is just sultry. Why can't female demons be menacing and threatening like male demons?

These next two figures are fine. I like having a valkyrie. I went with the wash technique that i've been using lately. In isolation it looks like they might have been better served with more solid colors, but this way they'll be distinct among the other armored female fighters (and i do have such characters, despite the offerings in this batch).

The next two are really fine, too. I clearly used Storm as an inspiration for the one on the right (the tiara probably gave me the idea).

The next two required a little cleavage reduction. The one on the right especially. I honestly don't know what she's wearing. It looks like a real pain to put on and keep on (not shown, but the entire back is bare, so it's all secured at the neck). This figure is actually not a Bones; she's from another game and was given to me by a friend. She's also got something weird going on with her face (hard to see in the scan). I think it's supposed to be like some of her hair is blown onto her face, but it looks like she has sideburns.

The next two are also sorceress types but i went with more of an earthy druid feel. I like the one on the left although (and i know this is kind of a subtle nitpick) the way she's posed, with the cocked waist and the extended leg, is not the sort of pose you'd see a man in. We need a Hawkeye Initiative for D&D miniatures. The figure on the right is just off the rails. I de-nudified her but she's basically meant to have her boobs hanging out and her legs bare. She's also barefoot (nothing i could do about that).

I also don't know what she's looking at. Hey! We're down here.

I get that the people making these miniatures must sometimes get bored and want to put the figures in nontraditional poses, but how are we supposed to use these figures? "You turn the corner and encounter a woman who is staring at the ceiling. She refuses to look at you, no matter what you do."

Finally, a medusa. Totally naked, of course.

By fnord12 | December 16, 2016, 11:11 PM | D&D

Reference from SuperMegaMonkey

So i while back i did this, and now they've arrived. Four months late but as far as Kickstarters go that's nothing. Ummm, painters wanted? I'm considering using them unpainted to start with so that they don't just sit in...    Read More: What have i gotten myself into?