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Yeah, that's what we mean by "rocks"

Well then you suddenly got a lot less interesting, Mr. Joe Cool Dinosaur. And what's with the bait and switch? You're obviously eating some kind of actual rock thing in the first two panels, and then suddenly you're handing out poor man's gummie fruit candies. In 5 awesome fruit flavors, all distinguishable only by the finest of palates, since they're all apparently purple.

One thing that is historically accurate is that in the 90s there were so many dinosaurs going around in letter jackets that they were only interesting if they had unusual diets and/or handed out candy.

By fnord12 | June 29, 2016, 10:53 AM | Comics | Comments (2)| Link

Feminist Frequency - Lingerie is Not Armor

Just yes to all of this.

And not just in video games. Fnord12 and i just watched the Batman: Assault on Arkham animated movie and the outfits for Harley Quinn and Killer Frost were ridiculous when compared to what the male team members were wearing. An acquaintance tried to make the argument that they needed to be half undressed for ease of movement. Right. Because Deadshot and the Black Spider didn't also rely on agility. And that's in addition to the plan that for some reason required Killer Frost to be nude from the waist up and the various shots of both women from behind as they employed extra hip movement to their walk. There's a FemFreq video on that, too, btw.

By min | June 21, 2016, 8:52 AM | Comics & TeeVee & Video Games | Comments (3)| Link

Action Figures Nobody Wanted

They made a special edition Walking Dead 2-pack of Negan and Glenn which includes a "Smashed Glenn head".

Why? WHY???

By min | June 21, 2016, 8:47 AM | Comics | Link

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