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  1. Do I have ghost writer? No. But I'll admit that someone has been sorting my mail. Who would do that and why? Maybe a ghost, I don't know.
  2. Mrs. Liebowitz is stopping over to talk about a "terrible rumor that's circulating." She still thinks I'm Gary Cooper even without the hat.
  3. I wanted to wish my friend @sniffyjenkins a happy birthday but she's terribly bashful. I'll probably settle on a nice E-Card instead.
  4. She wanted to go to the zoo but she knows I'm not comfortable there. Animals can smell that too. Animals with noses I mean. Like bears.
  5. I spoke to a lovely reporter today. I don't know if she was really who she said she was but that's fine. I secretly used an ironic tone.
  6. Better to read Archie comic books to study adolescent psychology than to think that you really know someone on Twitter. Jughead said that.
  7. A friend mailed me her new book but didn't sign it. I hope that doesn't mean she wants it back. I'll tell her I sneezed on it or something.
  8. I do my best thinking in a barber's chair. Sadly I do my worst remembering there too. Sure, I could take some notes but who does that?
  9. A neighbor kid shows up from time to time dressed as Superman. I think it's him anyway. Very difficult to say for sure without the glasses.
  10. I am now invited to a dog wedding. I don't have the words to make that stupider than it already sounds. They're registered at Whiskers.
  11. You know that Andy Dick and how he seemed funny until we noticed that he wasn't? You'll tell me when it's time to stop, right?
  12. To clarify - It's partially my fault that the cat answers to "Martin." I believe his name is actually "Pookie" but I won't call a cat that.
  13. Mrs. Liebowitz's cat has gone missing again. He answers to "Martin" and walks with an unfortunate limp. This was only partially my fault.
  14. An associate told me that he'd been cheating on his wife. He asked me not to talk about it and I probably won't. Unless it comes up somehow.
  15. Someone smote me for my previous comment regarding the Pope. I don't see a "smite" option in Twitter. Probably a good thing to have though.
  16. The pope is in Angola now. In local dialect "Pope" translates to "goofy old man wearing a white tent." I'm making this up. Don't quote me.
  17. I can't say where we're going this evening. It's not a secret or anything - I just don't always listen well. We should keep this between us.
  18. She said I should talk more about my cat; that people like that sort of thing here. I didn't know I still had a cat. Explains a few things.
  19. "Secretary of Ironic Scarves." I don't know if Obama read my letter but I hope so. Ashton Kutcher deserves this. So does California.
  20. A friend from out west mailed me a "Snuggie." A joke apparently. I don't get it. I look like a derelict Gumby in the thing. Funny, I guess.