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« Music: October 2010 | Main | Music: December 2010 »


Chuck Berry rules

I just thought this old photo, from a semi-recent issue of Rolling Stone that Wanyas gave me, was awesome.

By fnord12 | November 21, 2010, 12:59 AM | Music | Comments (2)| Link

It's true


With the underwhelming but over reported news that iTunes now will sell you Beatles albums, I was reminded of that brief shiny moment when Napster ruled the world. It's true that with a bit of work you can still find just about anything on the internets for free if you want to, but Napster was something else entirely. For a brief moment in time, the entire world, or at least college kids with broadband, shared the entire music catalog.

Not justifying the 'not paying for stuff' aspect, but there was also glory in the 'able to find rare stuff that you couldn't find otherwise' part of that. It was a moment.

I found a bunch of cool rare songs on Napster back in the day.

By fnord12 | November 16, 2010, 1:55 PM | Music | Link

Is He Rich Like Me?

What's your name?
Who's your daddy?

By min | November 15, 2010, 10:50 PM | Music | Link

« Music: October 2010 | Main | Music: December 2010 »