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« My stupid life: February 2007 | Main | My stupid life: April 2007 »

My stupid life

"Work/Life Balance"

The very phrase acknowledges that work is some intrusive thing that interrupts but is not a part of your life.

By fnord12 | March 28, 2007, 3:56 PM | My stupid life | Comments (2)| Link

Try Iron Brew

Our new soft drink is specially configured to taste exactly like your least favorite flavor or memory. It lures you in with the smell of bubble gum soda, but once you taste it, look out! min of Somerset, NJ tasted it and said it reminded her of her trip to Ireland. Rod of "Somewhere in the Adirondacks", NY tasted it and said it tasted like a combination of aftershave and vomit. Find out your least favorite flavor or memory. Drink: Iron Brew!

By fnord12 | March 26, 2007, 9:23 AM | My stupid life | Comments (3)| Link


Here is our lovely, brand new, uber powerful, and most importantly, fully functional furnace.

It's shiny.

By min | March 8, 2007, 5:19 PM | My stupid life | Comments (5)| Link

Arrgghhh!!!! There's frozen water falling out of the sky!!

Honestly, people. Haven't you ever seen snow before? You're making us look bad in front of the guy from Quebec.

On the other hand, i'd rather sit in my car and listen to music than be at work anyway.

By fnord12 | March 7, 2007, 10:57 AM | My stupid life | Link

Quote Farts

This is a quote fart: ’

We get them when we copy in text from some web pages in place of apostrophes (and sometimes other special characters like long dashes, but that i can deal with).

Even if we copy something from a web page into notepad before copying into the MoveableType editor, we still get them. To remove them, we have to post, and then see if we've generated any quote farts. If we do, we manually hunt for them in our post and replace them with regular apostrophes. Does anyone else experience this/have a better way to deal with them?

By fnord12 | March 1, 2007, 6:25 PM | My stupid life | Comments (3)| Link

My beard is growing in sideways

Last month i cut all my hair short, and my beard too, and now it's growing back in.

Except the beard is growing in at a 45 degree angle to my chin.

Isn't that a dwarven (or perhaps viking kitten) curse and/or inverted blessing? ("May your beard never grow sideways?") What did i do to offend?

("Artist's" rendition)

By fnord12 | March 1, 2007, 5:38 PM | My stupid life | Comments (1)| Link

Is It Warm In Portland?

Cause we ain't got no heat.

By min | March 1, 2007, 8:40 AM | My stupid life | Comments (8)| Link

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