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« My stupid life: March 2008 | Main | My stupid life: May 2008 »

My stupid life


Upgraded our Movable Type. If you still encounter problems leaving comments, please let us know.

By fnord12 | April 27, 2008, 11:28 AM | My stupid life | Comments (2)| Link

And another thing!

While i'm on a roll, i figure it's a good time to do my rant on junk mail.

We don't get a lot of real mail, but we have a tiny mailbox down the block from our townhouse, and we have to go to it every day so that we can empty it out because just about every day it is full of crap. Crap that we do not look at. Crap that goes right into the recycling bin (even though i suspect a lot of it isn't really recyclable). It is absolutely pointless. Think of the environmental waste. Think of the fact that we could have our mailmen and women cover a much wider area if they didn't have to deliver all this garbage. Think of the fact that every two weeks we need to have our recycling people come and pick up our bin full of crap. And god knows how much sorting and processing and whatever else happens after that.

It is the most ridiculous exercise in pointlessness, and it's happening at a time where the Federal Post Office is underfunded, losing business to the internet and commercial delivery services, and constantly updating the cost of its stamps. How about raising the cost of the bulk rate until it either puts the Post Office back in the black and offsets the environmental and recycling costs or it is prohibitive enough that the Post Office can change its business model?

By fnord12 | April 25, 2008, 11:15 AM | Liberal Outrage & My stupid life | Comments (3)| Link

Due to 'popular' demand

Created an RSS feed. Will someone who actually uses these things check it out and tell me if it does whatever wonderful things it is that you want it to do?

By fnord12 | April 11, 2008, 3:22 PM | My stupid life | Comments (3)| Link


What happens when you get it at your job and there's nothing to "graduate" from or to?

By fnord12 | April 11, 2008, 1:26 PM | My stupid life | Link

« My stupid life: March 2008 | Main | My stupid life: May 2008 »