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« My stupid life: March 2014 | Main | My stupid life: May 2014 »

My stupid life

My Super-Villain Plan

Keep ordering things from Amazon and stockpiling all the air-filled packaging material until eventually i control the world's air supply.

By fnord12 | April 26, 2014, 10:33 AM | My stupid life | Link

Fried It Right Out

My grandmother offered me some batter-fried pork chop at lunch today. When i declined and pointed out that i don't eat meat (which she's known for years now), she told me it was ok because they had "fried the oil out of it"*.

So, i learned 2 things today.

  1. you can fry oil out of things
  2. and that, apparently, also magically makes meat vegan.

*i admit to taking a tiny bit of license with the translation, but it's almost entirely accurate.

By min | April 5, 2014, 5:16 PM | My stupid life | Comments (3)| Link

« My stupid life: March 2014 | Main | My stupid life: May 2014 »