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« Ummm... Other?: October 2012 | Main | Ummm... Other?: January 2013 »

Ummm... Other?

Way Kewler Than a Tauntaun

As a commenter said, it's only missing feathers to be perfect.

There are soooooo many people who need to be eaten.

By min | November 30, 2012, 11:10 AM | Ummm... Other? | Link

Vegans Win Again!

A textbook in India says,

[Meat-eaters] easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes.

Sounds about right to me. Yup.

By min | November 19, 2012, 2:50 PM | Ummm... Other? | Link

The folly of limited chocodile distribution

Hostess, already in bankruptcy, threatens to liquidate if their workers won't stop striking. But this anti-labor position is a front. We all know the real reason for their financial woes is that they are leaving money on the table by leaving chocodile distribution to third parties.

By fnord12 | November 16, 2012, 10:06 AM | Ummm... Other? | Link

« Ummm... Other?: October 2012 | Main | Ummm... Other?: January 2013 »