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Ummm... Other?

Death porn at Weather.com

P.S. Gonna be warm today!

By fnord12 | January 8, 2014, 9:39 AM | Ummm... Other? | Link

Veganz: European Vegan Supermarket Chain

Who knew veganism was so popular with the Germans? Link

You know the drill - you look for the Vegan symbol, most of the time it's not there, so then you check the entire list of ingredients. Even after this you feel unsure if it is definitely vegan -- have they listed all the ingredients? Have they made a mistake? If it is vegan-friendly, why don't they label it? Hmm, is it safe to buy this?

So imagine a supermarket where you could safely buy every item, where EVERYTHING is vegan. 'Don't be so ridiculous; there couldn't possibly be such a place' you say. I wouldn't joke about something so wonderful...

According to Veganz's* Marketing manager, veganism is "cool" in Berlin now. When's that trend going to move to the States so i can shop at an all-vegan market, too?

*i don't feel quite right about that apostrophe-s, but i think it's technically correct.

By min | January 5, 2014, 10:34 AM | Ummm... Other? | Link

« Ummm... Other?: December 2013 | Main | Ummm... Other?: February 2014 »