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Video Games

Impressive. Most Impressive.

This guy modded an R2D2-shaped Pepsi dispenser to have 11 integrated video game consoles, a projector, and speakers all around. Link

By min | September 21, 2010, 7:20 PM | Star Wars & Video Games | Link

Hey kids! Rip off your friends! Rip off yourself!

This ad was published in March 1984 cover-dated Marvel comics, meaning it was probably out at the end of 1983, which was the height of a major video game crash. I'm pretty sure we bought Atlantis (the example used in this ad) and a few other Imagic games for the Intellivision from the bargain bins at KB Toys for a couple of bucks. No way you could sell it for $11.95.

I suspect this was a way for some store or distributor to unload all their dusty inventory. I'd love to know how successful they were.

Atlantis was a fun game, though.

By fnord12 | September 17, 2010, 2:15 PM | Video Games | Link

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