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Video Games


WARNING: This is a dumber-than-usual post.

While writing up my last post i realized we need a word for when you deliberately handicap yourself in a video game. Playing the original Zelda without picking up the sword. Playing the original Final Fantasy with just one character in your party. Playing an FPS all the way through with just a hand gun. Playing Civ while just being one city or without researching certain techs. I'm tentatively going with handizapping: handicapping + an old school video game noise. But that's not very good.

By fnord12 | April 27, 2017, 2:18 PM | Master of Style & Video Games | Link

Always comes down to Civ

I've read a bunch of takes on this new book by Jonathan Taplin about the monopoly power of Amazon, Facebook, and Google, but i really like DDay's, i guess because in addition to summarizing the points of Taplin's book he also takes issue with some of them (i.e. when Taplin sides with copyright holders in the battle against SOPA).

Personally i think all of this is a result of the fact that we're living in a game of Civilization where the player for some bizarre reason has decided to skip "Socialism" on the tech tree. By the time you have "Internet" you should definitely have "Socialism". Because a lot of these questions come down to "How do you make money on the internet?" (or, more and more, when the internet exists) and the answer really is "You shouldn't have to".

By fnord12 | April 27, 2017, 2:08 PM | Liberal Outrage & Video Games | Link


When i read this comic i have a compelling geek-urge to pointlessly shout "GORF!".

By fnord12 | April 26, 2017, 9:13 AM | Comics & Video Games | Link

« Video Games: January 2017 | Main | Video Games: June 2018 »