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The "I Told You So" Party

So i was thinking how with this new judge ("Scalito"), there's no way Roe won't get overturned, which means that abortion rights will revert to the individual states.  And i was thinking how a majority of americans ~80% believe abortion should be legal, and how if Roe were overturned that maybe Americans would be outraged and would wake up and start voting.  But then i realized that the majority of the people who think abortion should be legal probably live in "blue" states anyway where it would continue to be legal so most people probably wouldn't get all that outraged or worry about the fact that poor people in Kansas couldn't get abortions.   And of course, that sort of thinking is very similar to what the Socialists in Germany said when Hitler got elected.  Then i read Digby's post which pretty much settled it.

By fnord12 | November 1, 2005, 9:12 AM | Liberal Outrage