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You love the McLaughlin Group

John McLaughlin:  On a political probability scale of zero to ten---zero meaning zero probability, ten being metaphysical certitude---how probable is it that this scandal will go beyond Friday's Libby indictment?
Pat Buchanan:  I would give it, John, a 2 to 3.  No more.
Eleanor Clift:  I would give it a 7.  We still have a media and we still have a Congress.
Tony Blankley:  Pat's got it right---about a 2.
Mort Zuckerman:  Oh, I give it a 6 or 7.  This is not over by a long shot.
John McLaughlin:  It's a 7!

By fnord12 | November 1, 2005, 9:10 AM | Liberal Outrage