« But Saddam was a bad guy | Main | Body Slammin' for The Lord » I Think I've Been InsultedJust read this from the Guardian: Tall women are less likely to be broody but more likely to focus on their careers than shorter women, according to a study published by British psychologists today. So, basically, i'm broody and will have no career. Great. I'll just read some more Margaret Atwood so i can be really depressed. Addendum: Look, i'm not saying i'm not broody and unambitious, cause i am. I'm just saying it's not very nice to say so, and it's not exactly good news to hear it's because i didn't have enough testosterone during puberty. Like being short wasn't bad enough. At least my shortness gives me the illusion of cuteness. So there! By min | December 20, 2005, 12:14 PM | Science CommentsSo what, I'm supposed to be ambitious and not brood? This doesn't seem fair. and you have to pay extra for your dresses. |