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I've read that we have to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons because if they get them they'd be able to launch them as far as Europe. Does it occur to these people that Europe can launch nuclear weapons into Iran right now? Or that we can launch nuclear weapons to anywhere in the world right now? Why is that allowed, but not the reciprocal?

I suppose the response would be because the leader of Iran is a crazy fundamentalist. Well, we're the ones who invaded another country (Iran's neighbor) without provocation and in violation of international law. So crazy is a relative term. And Iran's current PM is pretty scary, with his 'wipe Israel off the map' comments, but how did he get there? Prior to our invasion of Iraq, there was a student democracy movement in Iran that was getting stronger. But by labelling Iraq, Iran, and North Korea as the "Axis of Evil" and then invading the first country on the list, we stirred up some strong anti-US sentiment and gave a gift to the fundamentalists, leading to Ahmedinejad getting elected. And now we're going to clean up our mistakes by making even more of a mess?

By fnord12 | April 12, 2006, 8:55 AM | Liberal Outrage