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Kos doesn't like democracy.

The DailyKos is the most popular of the center-left blogs. He started off by doing election analysis (and being pretty bad at it) but he's a very partisan Democrat that always supports Dem candidates even when they are pretty far to the right. Now he is attacking unions for not supporting a Dem candidate who is anti-union:

This is extraordinarily stupid. Mind-boggling so. It's rare for one seat to really matter in the House? Sure, but we're 15 seats away and we'll be making gains this November. Enough to take back the House? I'm still skeptical, but regardless, it'll be extraordinarily close. If that one seat costs us the majority and the subpoena power to investigate the Bush Administration's myriad abuses, will it have been worth it?

The unions don't have to support Bean. She hasn't earned that support. But to work to defeat her makes no political sense. Not if the unions want control of the House by the party of the people, rather than the ideologues currently running the country into the ground.

How is it any better for unions of the House is made up of anti-union Democrats instead of anti-union Republicans?

By fnord12 | April 11, 2006, 5:03 PM | Liberal Outrage