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US Dems arrested in Sudan protest


Five members of the U.S. Congress were arrested on Friday at a demonstration held at the Sudan embassy to protest atrocities in that country's Darfur region, congressional aides said.

The lawmakers, all Democrats, were Reps. Tom Lantos of California, James McGovern and John Olver of Massachusetts, James Moran of Virginia, and Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas, aides to McGovern and Lantos said.

I admire them for their actions (it's much braver than anything i've ever done, by far), but it's really sad that members of our Federal government had to resort to these sorts of tactics, usually reserved for the powerless.

By fnord12 | April 28, 2006, 3:56 PM | Liberal Outrage


Wow. I'm dumbfounded that they actually did this. What the hell is that feeling... is that, hope? It's so unfamiliar.

it's just gas.

No, that's much more familiar than this.