« We're Doomed | Main | I like sci fi movies but... » Halle-frickin-lujahThe rumors (and i won't say where i heard them) are true: Soon we can get the original Star Wars movies, without Lucas's mucking about, on DVD. Of course you also have to buy the crappy edition along with it, but that's a small price to pay. Credit where Credit is Due Department: Joshua gave me this link. But he's not the one who first told us about this. That person will remain anonymous. Or something. By fnord12 | May 4, 2006, 10:59 AM | Movies & Star Wars Commentsi'm waiting for lucas to reveal he's tricked us. the OT versions aren't remastered to Dolby 5.1, I think that in Lucas's mind that's enough of a "ha ha, suckers!" |