« Halle-frickin-lujah | Main | The solution to the iPod problem » I like sci fi movies but......i don't need to live in them. One: It looks like a scene from the movie "Waterworld" here off the Iraqi coast. The Bush administration is seeking to develop a powerful ground-based laser weapon that would use beams of concentrated light to destroy enemy satellites in orbit. By fnord12 | May 4, 2006, 4:44 PM | Liberal Outrage Commentsthis is what robin refers to as the "bad kind of science fiction" You'll have to pick a better reference. Noone saw that crappy movie. Your loss. It's Mad Max on water! Yes, but it also stars Kevin Costner, which automatically makes it bad. We're talking about a guy who had the cojones to make this only a year after Tombstone came out. Don't even get me started on "The Postman" and "Dragonfly". I know a thing or two about bad movies . There are fun bad movies and painful bad movies. Costner makes a career out of making movies as painfully bad as possible. kevin costner is Mr. Post-Apocalyptic. |