« Longer life could have a downside? Not for me! | Main | More of that good old bad(?) science fiction » Mackin' for ChristiansThis article (also liberated from the subscription only NY Times Select section) compares the way the producers of the Da Vinci Code have co-opted Christians into watching and promoting a movie that questions their religion with the way the Republicans have managed to co-opt Christians into a party that has nothing to do with actual Christian values. It's interesting and you should give it a read, although i'm not sure how good a comparison it is. Anyway, what's important is when the author gets to the part where the Democrats try to get in on the game: The bad news is that no sooner does the religious-right base show signs of cracking in a youthquake than the Democrats trot out their own doomed Da Vinci strategy. I supported Dean in the primaries and for his chairman position, so i'm doubly disgusted by him, but in general the Democrats just continue to show what idiots they are. They are not an opposition party. They're a lesser-degree-of-evil-stupidity party. They are useless. By fnord12 | May 24, 2006, 12:16 PM | Liberal Outrage |