« nsxt290's Bank of America Rant | Main | Yeah!!! » Scientists Hard at WorkFirst, they didn't want to admit that global warming could actually be happening. It was just alarmists and wacky enviromentalists, and it had no basis in "true" science. Today, the New York Times has done an about face. Not only do they admit global warming is a fact, they've written an article about some of the great ways we can battle it. Wait for it.... SUNSHADES IN SPACE!!!!! In the past few decades, a handful of scientists have come up with big, futuristic ways to fight global warming: Build sunshades in orbit to cool the planet. Wow. Now i see why they're the paper of record. That sure is some quality reporting. They're not cracked in the head at all. Now, the entire article's not as bad as all that. It's not all about window treatments in space. There's also a proposal to make clouds more reflective, "trick" the ocean into soaking up more greenhouse gasses (hey, as long as the air is still breathable for us, who cares about the fishies?), and injecting sulphur into the stratosphere. But wait, there's more. In April, at his invitation, Roger P. Angel, a noted astronomer at the University of Arizona, spoke at the academy's annual meeting. Dr. Angel outlined a plan to put into orbit small lenses that would bend sunlight away from earth - trillions of lenses, he now calculates, each about two feet wide, extraordinarily thin and weighing little more than a butterfly. So, let me get this straight. We can't possibly develop alternative fuels that would be less polluting or vehicles and machines that are more efficient (even though every other country in the world has already been doing it for years), we can't come up with any ideas or legislation that would help decrease greenhouse gas emissions (remember, carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. without it, we couldn't blow dandelion seeds into the air). Or, you know, work with the world community to regulate our pollutant output, perhaps a treaty of some sort....No. These are ludicrous suggestions. Clearly little glass lenses in the sky is the way to go. I think the last line of the article sums it up quite nicely. "So far," he added, "there is little reason to be optimistic." By min | June 27, 2006, 12:30 PM | Liberal Outrage & Science Commentsi used to think i could escape from society's problems by running into the mountains. now i see i need to get the &@^$#!! off the planet. |