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42 points of articulation but i can barely stand.

For a while i held out and didn't get any of the newer Marvel toys because they're a larger scale than the figures i have. But then they release The Watcher, who is supposed to be big, so i got him. Then they released Blackheart, who is actually a crappy character but i got him anyway. Then i reasoned that Power Man can be bigger than the average figure cause he's a big guy (and my old Power Man figure is awful). Then i saw that they put out a figure of the original Baron Zemo, and you can't pass that up (although now i have giant-father Baron Zemo, and tiny-son Baron Zemo from the Secret Wars line). But now the floodgates are open and anything can happen, so there's The Sentry, too.

Ugly or gigantic?

Daddy and 'Lil Nazi

Actually, these new figures are kind of crappy. The Blackheart figure can't even stand (his tail is propping him up against the wall in this picture). The others are only slightly more stable. Baron Zemo's arm feels really delicate and almost broken, and he looks crippled. Power Man's fist is molded into a weird position - and it's the one place on a 40+ point of articulation figure that i can't adjust. And these points of articulation are way overboard - it just means that they bend funny and have weird seams and lines in odd places on their bodies.

Eh, but they're Marvel toys so i like 'em anyway.

By fnord12 | October 29, 2006, 9:03 PM | Comics