« Remind me to read this later | Main | Insignificant worm, don't you know it's the holidays? » Racism Abounds, Bring Back the NazisSo, it's bad enough we got this joker in the Senate: A Virginia congressman will not apologize for writing that without immigration overhaul "there will be many more Muslims elected to office demanding the use of the Quran," his spokesman said. I noticed there's not a huge uproar denouncing Goode's remarks or a push from the Republicans to either get Goode to retract and apologize or to distance themselves from him. That's not a good sign for the non-racist populace. Not only that, they are letting crackpots on MSNBC talk about how "strange" it is that the focus should be on Goode's remarks as opposed to Ellison "creating" controversy. Cause he's the one "making a big stink", not the racists. Nice spin. Democrats and liberals, take notes. But now, people are actually taking plays from the Nazi handbook. When radio host Jerry Klein suggested that all Muslims in the United States should be identified with a crescent-shape tattoo or a distinctive arm band, the phone lines jammed instantly. The first caller to the station in Washington said that Klein must be "off his rocker." The second congratulated him and added: "Not only do you tattoo them in the middle of their forehead but you ship them out of this country ... they are here to kill us." I'm surprised this guy was able to do this on his radio show without Clear Channel types deciding they needed to fire his "anti-American" ass. He goes on to discuss how disturbed and disgusted he was with people's reactions. "I can't believe any of you are sick enough to have agreed for one second with anything I said," he told his audience on the AM station 630 WMAL, which covers Washington, Northern Virginia and Maryland. It's just shocking and disturbing that we've gotten to this point. All the times the neo-cons and Evangelists used the term "nazi" to describe someone who was a feminist or who was opposed to invading Iraq or the NYT for blowing the whistle on the illegal NSA wiretapping, we were disgusted by their casual and unwarranted use of the term. Now we have 39% of the people polled actually embracing the very same idea the Nazis had in WWII. Tattoo them. Put them in camps. They are the other. They are a threat to us. We are superior. We are good. Where can we run? Where can we hide from the madmen? By min | December 22, 2006, 3:00 PM | Liberal Outrage |