« A different type of deep throat | Main | Filed under "Grant Morrison" » Rodney needs Rodney needs loveIf you ever run across this gorilla, please purchase him for me. We had one when i was a kid but it's gone. ![]() Update: Rodney acquired. By fnord12 | February 23, 2007, 10:14 AM | My stupid life Commentshahahhahaha!!!! can i charge triple if i find one? IM THIS MONK FUCK ALL YOU BITCHS Did you ever find one of these Rodneys? I had one mounted on the dashboard of my 1973 Ford Bronco. Therefore my Bronco adopted the name Rodney and to this day, 25years later people still refer to the truck as Rodney even though I sold it years ago! I would love to find one of these too so if you locate one or more let me know. Thanks Bryan S. No luck so far. I'll post it if i ever find one. Hi, I have a few of these monkeys, locked away in a box, if you anyone is looking for one let me know, Mandy. Hey Mandy, do you still have any monkeys? if so please let me know! I have one how much you offering? really after one of these rodney gorilla toys. if anyone has one please get in contact. depending on condition as would like a near new one. many thanks I have a very good clean yellow vest rodney for sale on Ebay.co.uk at the min if anyone is interested! I am posting a Christmas Ornament version of Rodney as well as Baby Rodney on ebay this week if anyone is interested. Hi, I have this monkey and will be putting on sale on Ebay, does anyone know who he was made by. Hi I found a rodney needs love gorilla made in 1979 it is a christmas monkey. Pretty good condition, anyone buying? Reference from SuperMegaMonkeyI don't know why they call him Goliath. He's clearly Rodney. Read More: Rodney Needs Love gets his own book |