« Random Lyrics Thursday | Main | Agree or Disagree? » Due Process Too BothersomeIt's amazing that what with Gonzales getting his feet put to the coals over the firing of the U.S. Attorneys, the Justice Department has the balls to demand anything at all. I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but i can't help being amazed at the amount of shamelessness these people have. Lawyers for some of the 385 prisoners still at the US's Guantanamo prison have condemned a Justice Dept. request for tighter restrictions on client visits. The lawyers say their jobs are already near-impossible and that claims they are security threats and inappropriately pass information to media are really attempts to further diminish the already severely limited scrutiny Guantanamo receives. They say prisoner unrest is in reaction to jail conditions, not their instigation, and that all of their information goes through military censors. Meanwhile, a long running hunger strike protesting conditions in the prison is still going on at Gitmo. The inmates have been force-fed thru their noses with tubes, which i've read is quite painful and really just another form of torture. Let's re-state that these are people who have been locked up in Guantanamo, or some other military prison, for years, with no charges brought against them and no trial. Yet the military insists they're so dangerous and conspired agaist the U.S. Well, if they did, let's hear the evidence and get them tried and convicted. Unless, you're not done torturing them for a forced confession. The Spanish Inquisition wasn't really that long ago, was it? By min | April 27, 2007, 3:29 PM | Liberal Outrage |