« Most foolish something, anyway | Main | *Sniffle* » Enough with the unlockablesI agree with the overall sentiment in this editorial if not all the specific points (and he does a terrible job of defending himself in the comments). I am tired of having to earn things in the single player mode in order to play them in multiplayer. It always results in one person being so much better than all the other players because they've had alot more experience with the game. The unlockable stuff was cute when it first started showing up because it was just a few hidden extras. Now it's become a chore just to make the whole game available. This may have something to do with my demographic and the people i play with. We generally don't devote a lot of time to playing video games by ourselves. It's more about the multi-player for us. Now if games had 4 player co-op modes in which you could unlock things to later use in versus mode, that would work. By fnord12 | April 6, 2007, 1:15 PM | Video Games |