« The latest in D&D recaps | Main | Egg Which Moves Itself And Burns » Movie Hulk Gray....Mebbestarfaith IM'd me this morning with the latest Hulk movie tidbit. The rumor being circulated is that he might be gray this time round. During the interview when asked about Incredible Hulk and if they would use any CGI from the first film, Avi responded with:"None, no. It's a new Hulk, new direction, new size, new color, new attitude. Anything that was done before is not in this movie. It's a very different kind of Hulk. It's more of a love story, it's more of a heroic Hulk. It's a kind of Hulk we loved in the show, so it's kind of more influenced by the show than anything else. It's very human, very touching, and huge action." It's not much to go on. He could just have been tossing out words with "new" in front of them to stress how much this movie will not be like the Ang Lee one (sorry, Ang Lee. i really really like your chinese language films and wish you would make more of those instead). The color might not really be all that new. Perhaps a different shade of green... And even if he is gray, i don't think they're talking about Gray Hulk considering Avi Arad described his as being the "heroic Hulk". I think we all know that Gray Hulk was not anything close to heroic. Plus, to couple that "heroic" line with "a kind of Hulk we loved in the show" and you're definitely not talking Gray Hulk. I hope they don't talk about this movie so much that i get sick of it before it even comes out like i'm already sick of Spider-man 3. Ugh. By min | April 23, 2007, 1:35 PM | Comics & Movies CommentsDon't make me Ang Lee. http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=20636 i should get points for getting that "different shade of green" thing. |