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Quick and dirty comic reviews

I thought Omega Flight was great but the pace needs to pick up if it's gonna be a 5 issue mini. I knew i loved the art as soon as i saw Sasquatch.

The first Annhilation: Heralds story confused me (am i supposed to remember these Centurians from Annihilation? i don't.) min pointed out a story-telling flaw in the art too - i think over all it was just rushed and hard to follow. And the second one i liked but i thought it wrapped up these great new menaces Giffen created way too easily. I've been having second thoughts about not getting Nova/Annhilation II. I hear Nova's gonna be on Earth for a bit and react to post-Civil War. That sounds interesting. Hmmmmmmmm.

Iron Fist was good but maybe just a little bit too much history and not enough story? You know these guys love their comic books if they're bringing back the Steel Serpent which is nice, but it was a little overwhelming jumping from all these different character's (revised?) origins. it'll probably read better altogether. I'm a little wary that they're gonna give Iron Fist a major power up (showing that other IFs could "shoot" their chi, for example), but we'll see how that goes.

Runaways - good, funny, etc. I just feel like i'm missing something having not read Runaways/Young Avengers Civil War and wondering if i should get it even though reviews have not been stellar.

By fnord12 | April 9, 2007, 10:44 AM | Comics


Omega Flight: Agreed. I wonder if it was originally plotted (with the idea it was an ongoing) to not have the full team until issue 5. For an ongoing that's ok, but not for a mini.

Annihilation: Heralds: first story: I didn't specifically remember those characters either, but thought that it was a good story nonetheless. The art did have problems. were the characters a part of that huge mob of badguys that attacked in issue 2 or 3? Second story: I enjoyed the proto-cosmic people as well. And now you're maybe getting Nova, defeating my other point. (I would say drop Iron Man, but gage is gonna start during WWH)

Iron Fist: Besides what else I said, I also don't like the idea of overpowering IF, which seems to be where this is headed.

Runaways: Great all around. I don't think you need that mini. All you need to know is they're on the run.

Wasn't there a fifth comic?

I thought there was another comic too but i can't remember it. Oh, Ant-Man. That was funny.

omega flight: art - blech. don't care for scott kolins. his characters are shaped oddly (too bulky - see langkowski in his bow tie get-up) and the faces have strange lines. not nearly as bad as liefeld, ofc. tank goff.

iron fist: i am liking the story ok so far. but i think i would actually prefer reading about all the previous iron fists more than danny rand.

This was kinda my point that I made to Rod in private. That they bring in a newer version of the character and in order to show how cool he is, unintentially make the older character lame. If only by comparison.