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First Came the McJob....

Then the McMansion (thanks to nsxt290 for the link). I wonder if McDonald's will sue the Oxford English Dictionary over this one, too. Or they might go straight to the petition to falsify the definition. I wonder what other words we can change the definition of.

One in five American houses had at least four bedrooms in 2005. That's up from one in six in 1990, despite shrinking families and increasing costs for construction and energy.

Houses with five or more bedrooms were the fastest-growing type in that time, adding to the nation's consumption of resources and reputation for excess.


Evan and Valerie Astle are having a 5,700 square-foot house built in a new subdivision near Ogden because they want more space for their three teenagers. They have been renting a storage unit while living in their old, 2,100-square foot home.

That won't be a problem in the new house, which has four big bedrooms, 3 1/2 bathrooms and a three-car garage.

"Our kids have more stuff. They need more living space," said Valerie Astle, a grade-school teacher.


In much of the country, the growth in big houses is fueled by suburban homebuyers seeking luxury, rather than big families needing space, Ahluwalia said.

"They are buying for lifestyle," he said.

Nationally, the average household size has shrunk slightly since 1990, to about 2.6 people. Meanwhile, the average new house grew by nearly 400 square feet, to 2,434 square feet.

"You cannot sell a new home today with 1 1/2 bathrooms," Ahluwalia said. "Even if only two people are in house, they still want 2 1/2 to three bathrooms."


Most big homes in the U.S. are going up in the suburbs, contributing to sprawl and congestion, said Vicky Markham, director of the Center for Environment and Population.

All those big suburban houses require more land, more materials to build and more energy to heat and cool, Markham said

"Excess is a matter of how each person views their own life," Markham said. But, she added, "Each person today is taking up more resources, more land, more energy than generations before."

This is just really sad. They are renting storage space because they have no room for their things. Hey, lady, here's a tip. Quit getting your kids so much stuff. If you can put it away in storage and it's not seasonal stuff (e.g. lawn equipment), you prolly didn't really need it in the first place. Sell it. Give it away. Don't buy it in the first place.

We have lots of stuff. I'm the first to admit it. But it's all stuff we're using. Musical equipment, comic books, regular books, and music. Well, ok. We're not really using those cds anymore now that they invented mp3s and iPods. I'm afraid to get rid of the cds in case we somehow lose the mp3s. Some of them also have sentimental value to me. Ofc, now with the CD fascists out there, we prolly wouldn't be able to sell our cds now anyway. But, for the most part, we're not collecting stuff just to have stuff that's new and big and shiny. We collect stuff that we need, want, and use. That's bad enough. But at least it's not in storage. Damn consumerism.

By min | May 29, 2007, 3:45 PM | Ummm... Other?


I'm surprised you haven't heard the term 'mcmansion' before. it's been around awhile.

I have more to comment on, but I don't feel like defending my thoughts/having you attempt to beat me up. I'm tired.

i have heard the term before, actually. the post isn't so much about the word as it is about people and how we have a complete lack of embarassment over our excesses. the houses keep getting bigger but the family size keeps getting smaller. a couple with no kids needing a home that's 2,500 sq ft - that's twice the size of my house now and living the spartan lifestyle we are not. we ourselves have stepped more than a toe into the realm of excess, imo.

it's lovely to have the means to afford things (although, what with droves of people defaulting on mortgages nowadays, i'm not sure they can actually afford these things) and ofc if you see something you like, why shouldn't you get it? what right does anyone have to pass a moral judgement on you for what you buy with your money? but shouldn't there be some point where it becomes enough? a point where it's too much? shouldn't luxury be a luxury and not a necessity?

but more importantly, what do you mean "attempt" to beat you up?

Why are you so tired, Mr. Television Star?

"We collect stuff that we need, want and use."

For the life of me I can't figure out how that is any different, let alone superior, to any of the other people taking up too much space!

cause we're just better than everybody else. duh.

"use" was the key word, anyway. Priscilla's point was that if you can keep your stuff in storage, you probably don't really need it.

I'm tired, because I'm awesome.

I'm hot cause I'm fly