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Random Lyrics Thursday

Bus to Beelzebub by Soul Coughing

Get on to the bus
That's gonna take you back to Beelzebub
Get on to the bus
That's gonna make you stop going rub a dub

Your words burn the air
Like the names of candy bars
Your mouth is cold and red
All in rings around your
Laugh laughing laughs

It's a grind grind
It's a grind
It's a grind grind

I'll scratch you raw
L'etat c'est moi
I drink the drink
And I'm wall to wall
I absorb trust like a love rhombus
I feel I must elucidate
I ate the chump with guile
Quadrilateral I was
Now I warp like a smile

Yellow no. 5
Yellow no. 5, 5, 5

Voulez-vous the bus?

By fnord12 | May 3, 2007, 8:46 AM | Music