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Sony Layoffs


Between 80 and 100 SCEA employees paid the price yesterday for the PlayStation 3's mediocre sales performance.

As reported by Kotaku, the layoffs came as a complete surprise. Affected employees were asked to turn in their keys and I.D. cards and escorted from the company's Foster City headquarters.


In addition to lagging console sales, the high cost of PS3 game development was cited. Employees received what was described as a fair serverance package.

I still say the PS3 can still turn things around if they start getting more games. This is the situation the Xbox was in when it first came out and was essentially a Halo machine. I don't know why these companies feel the need to release a system every few years when they haven't even made sure there are a bunch of good launch games, but Xbox recovered so the PS3 can, too.

By fnord12 | June 6, 2007, 2:20 PM | Video Games