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Russia Makes the First Move

I'm not sure when it was that countries started sending fleets up to the North Pole. It might have been early in the spring, as the weather got warmer, and revealed land that had been completely buried in ice for centuries. Until global warming, that is.

Anyway, for the last several months, there's basically been a standoff among these 5 countries - Denmark, Canada, Norway, Russia, and the U.S. The ships have been up there but not doing much else.

Enter Putin. I think we made it pretty clear before that you do not want to fuck with this guy. He is shrewd and he is ruthless. He strategizes, he manipulates, he knows what he's doing. What have we got? Bumblefuck after bumblefuck. Rich bastards with plenty of ego and arrogance but couldn't tell their ass from their elbows with a flashlight and a How-To guide.

Well, he got tired of waiting around and decided to go ahead and stake out his claim to the North Pole. So far, and he prolly expected it, there's been alot of outraged hand waving from all sides. I don't think he's all that concerned about that. It's as much a political statement as it is a publicity stunt - the symbolic planting of the flag that we all love so much. He makes the first move and waits and sees what everyone else is going to do.

If they object, how far are they willing to go to stop him? Except for our crazy government, nobody's actually in any hurry to get into a conflict with another country. And even our loser politicians know better than to get into some kind of war with friggin Russia (god, i hope they know better.....we're so screwed).

If they do nothing, then he has gained the upperhand. If he can get away with this, what else could he get away with? How far can he push?

And at the very least, he's claiming what he feels belongs to Russia before someone else does and he has to be the one to complain.

I can't say for sure that's how things are going to play out. I am only just starting to read about foreign politics (i was so disgusted with U.S. politics that i figured i'd try something new). Mebbe i'm totally wrong. But one thing i do know. You don't want to mess with Putin. Really. That part i'm sure about.

By min | August 2, 2007, 3:00 PM | Liberal Outrage


I know how to solve this problem: let George Bush do some wiretappin'!

Bah! This is all about the oil in the Artic circle anyway. If people listened to my wise words about methane use for fuel, and the wonderful reclamation program I outlined, none of this would be an issue!

Remember kids: "America runs on gas, but we don't need your foreign oil anymore. We make our own!

-Paid for by Flatulence for Democracy Inc.

Don't forget upper income tax cuts!