« Roger Ebert vs. Clive Barker | Main | Finger Lakes » Trailers: better than poopSuperMegaDio links to the trailer for the upcoming Iron Man movie. (Update: When i went back to re-watch the trailer while writing this post, the official site wasn't working. The trailer is also on youTube.) I recently had the revelation that trailers are entertaining in their own right. I think they are often better than the movies that they are advertising. I think Hollywood should start making trailers without any movies behind them. Lots of movies, like Balls of Fury, are probably terrible, but the trailer is a lot of fun. Trailers should be their own artform. (Reminder: i don't watch TV so i don't have to watch the same trailers over and over again every commercial break. I only see them when i go to the theater). I hope that the Iron Man movie itself is as good as the trailer, but here's another idea: The problem with a lot of super-hero movies is that they waste too much time on the set-up/origin aspect. I put it to you that the trailer that SuperMegaDio links to tells you everything you need to know about Iron Man. They should play that trailer before the movie, and then tell a 2 hour story about Iron Man that assumes we know what we need to know about his origin. Other than that possibly being too expensive, the only problem i see is that since i'm already familar with Iron Man, i may be watching the trailer and filling in the blanks where a newcomer may be confused. So if anyone in my imaginary audience isn't familiar with Iron Man, i request that you go watch the trailer and then come back here and let us know how many of the points below you were able to gather about Tony Stark/Iron Man (highlight to see): Final question: now that you've seen his entire origin summed up in 2 and a half minutes, do you really want to sit through it again stretched out over 45+? By fnord12 | September 13, 2007, 11:37 AM | Comics & Movies CommentsWhite-spaced spoilers revealed:
I'd like to see the origin done in revealing flashback, interspersed among action scenes, rather than the more linear story-telling which tends to make the story more disjointed as we 'skip ahead' to the post-origin action. Has this (more flashback style) been done? Would this work better? And while Tony does prefer Ozzy, he, like all right thinking people, think Holy Diver is the greatest album cover ever! Reference from SuperMegaMonkeyWe've been saying this for years, of course, but if it took an awesome Avengers movie to get the point across, i'm fine with it. Read More: Time to make superhero movies more like comics |