« October 2007 | Main | December 2007 » November 23, 2007Post-Thanksgiving Hallucinations I guess i ate too much tofu because it seems to me that this article says: ...and that's just crazy. By fnord12 | November 23, 2007, 2:39 PM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (1) | Link
Hey, a deal is a deal To get people to sign up, the military gives enlistment bonuses up to $30,000 in some cases. Now men and women who have lost arms, legs, eyesight, hearing and can no longer serve are being ordered to pay some of that money back. By fnord12 | November 21, 2007, 8:59 AM | Liberal Outrage | Comments (1) | Link
Still wearing kid clothes? This is one of min's favorites. I wore Lee Jeans when i was a kid, but i was never invited to ride in an automated death trap on wheels. (from Iron Man #13 - May 69) By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 9:17 PM | Comics | Comments (1) | Link Hootenannies! (Iron Man #12 - Apr 69) By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 9:15 PM | Comics| Link I guess it wasn't illegal yet Pyramid schemes! (From Fantastic Four #89 - Aug 69) (click to go large) By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 9:11 PM | Comics| Link Detroit must be full of locksmiths My product at work actually gives you a free download of this ad as part of the notification package. (From Marvel Super Heroes #75 - Oct 78) By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 9:05 PM | Comics| Link Adolph's Most comic book ads you see over and over again. This particular ad only appeared for one month in Marvel comics (Oct 74 - this one's from Marvel Tales #54), and then it was never seen again. I can't imagine why. By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 8:59 PM | Comics | Comments (1) | Link Miss the Daily Show? Here's a video of their writers on strike. By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 12:56 PM | Liberal Outrage| Link Just a bantha By fnord12 | November 20, 2007, 11:10 AM | Star Wars | Comments (3) | Link
I Got Your Healing Touch Right Here I'd file this under "Science" but that would just be causing trouble. And we haven't got a section for "Magick" or "Junk Science" so here you go. The technique uses light touch and deep breathing to address energy imbalances, its advocates say. Though research on it is limited, the therapy is practiced at 30 U.S. hospitals and by nearly 2,000 certified therapists, according to Healing Touch International, based in Denver. Lisa Anselme, executive director at the Denver organization, said the method was not meant to stand alone. "Healing touch is not intended to replace standard treatment. It's a complementary therapy," said Anselme, a registered nurse and healing touch practitioner. Jackie Levin, a nurse who coordinates the NYU program, said the treatment works well for people with anxiety, depression and stress associated with surgery and cancer treatments. Sounds alot like the energy healing i learned. I will not make any claims about the effects of using this technique to cure your problems, but, at the very least, it's very soothing as long as you're not freaked out by the person doing it on you. And so what if it's a placebo effect? If it makes them feel more comfortable, more relaxed, etc etc. and it's used in addition to "real" medical practices, what's the problem? It's the same as fluffing someone's pillows so that they're more comfortable. It's not really doing anything to fix the problem, but if the person feels better, they do have a better chance of improving faster. The negatives would be a) people who think you can use this to replace standard treatment and b) people who take advantage of others and charge lots of money for the magickal, mystical, cure all. This should NOT be thought of as a cure-all magick bullet. It would be seriously irresponsible to portray it in such a way. And imo, this sort of stuff ought to be free (cause who the hell knows if it's doing anything). If hospitals are starting to include this as part of their complimentary treatment, mebbe someone will start doing some real scientific experiments to either validate or invalidate this technique. Right now, what you get is a bunch of anecdotal evidence which is annoying and of questionable credibility at best. Most of you prolly think it's all hooey and i wouldn't blame you. It's completely and totally out there. It's crazy talk. But i believe in ghosts and karma, too, so don't look to me for logic. By min | November 16, 2007, 3:21 PM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (6) | Link Uh...Bob? Why aren't you trying for this title? The Guinness Book of World Records lists the previous record at 5.07 ounces. Johnson's feat must be verified by Guinness publishers before it is considered official. By min | November 16, 2007, 3:07 PM | Ummm... Other?| Link
Pagal ki na bole? Is there nothing that a madman wont say? And people of different cultural persuasions "Ah, I, I dont know ..... "But once they get get here All this talk about housing You seem to have forgotten Black people are not the cause of your problems Things were good in the good olden days they say "Black people constitute less than six per cent of the population" Common sense- And people of different cultural persuasions Enough is enough. Oh, the Sun has got its facts wrong hip,hip,hooray A race war thats what they're fighting for All this talk about housing You seem to have forgotten Black people are not the cause of your problems "Ah, I, I dont know ..... "But once they get get here Oh, the Sun has got its facts wrong hip,hip,hooray Pagal ki na bole? Pagal ki na bole? By fnord12 | November 15, 2007, 9:34 AM | Music| Link
High School Skinning Demonstration I present this to Wanyas who's sooooo particular about who posts what type of things on this blog. How many of you didn't get a raccoon skinning demo as part of your science curriculum? Makes you realize how inadequate the education system is, doesn't it? By min | November 14, 2007, 3:36 PM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (5) | Link My Robot Friend I want one. I also want to be a part of things that involve social experimentation on other peoples' children. God, i'm so jealous. The Japanese-built prototype robot, QRIO, can interact with humans thanks to an array of mechanical and computational skills which enable it to walk, sit, stand, move its arms, turn its head, dance and giggle. Scientists found that children's social contact with the robot increased over time and they found the machine more interesting when it behaved in a "human" interactive way than when it was programmed to dance randomly. At first, the children touched the robot on its face and head, but after time they touched only its hand and arms, mimicking the behaviour of children with other humans. Scientists conducted 45 study sessions with the robot over five months. By the end of the study the children were treating the robot like a friend rather than a toy. Some children cried when the robot fell over and tried helping it to stand up, even when told by their teachers to leave it alone. Others covered it with a blanket and said "night-night" when it lay down to sleep, said the researchers in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Just make sure the robot doesn't get its hands on anything sharp. Nobody ever gives me their kid to experiment with. *grumble grumble* By min | November 14, 2007, 3:18 PM | Science | Comments (1) | Link Lobsters Feel Pain? It's been a back and forth for years - do lobsters feel pain? Is it cruel to boil them alive? A doctor from Belfast published a paper recently claiming yes. Immediately, the creatures began grooming and rubbing the affected antenna, while leaving untouched ones alone, a response Prof Elwood says is "consistent with an interpretation of pain experience". The same pain sensitivity is likely to be shared by lobsters, crabs and other crustaceans, the researchers believe. Prof Elwood says that sensing pain is crucial even for the most lowly of animals because it allows them to change their behaviour after damaging experiences and so increase their chances of survival. Who cares if they feel pain or they don't feel pain. Why, exactly, is it that we have to boil them alive at all? Just kill them right before you drop them in the hot water. I never understood that. We always killed our crustaceans before cooking them. A quick thrust with a chopstick thru the section where their "brains" are usually kills them right away. The corpse is still intact so you can still present the lobster whole when served. Which, actually, lots of people seem to not prefer due to the lobster's resemblance to a giant insect. In which case, you might as well chop them in half and broil the suckers. Or stir fry. That's my favorite way. I just find it weird to cook something before you kill it. Stirs up all sorts of questions about cruelty and such. My way skips all that unnecessary debate. By min | November 14, 2007, 3:08 PM | Science | Comments (3) | Link SuperMegaMusic Reviews, A-B Air - Pocket Symphony: They finally realized that their best bet was to stop fooling around and make another album that sounded exactly like Moon Safari. And i appreciate it. Arctic Monkeys - Favourite Worst Nightmare: Sometimes i wonder if i really like them or if i just like the guy's accent, but i guess it doesn't make a difference. Good stuff. High energy, punky, neo-new wavy, and something that i want to call 1920s gangster. Art Brut - I think this will be better in small doses. I liked the first three songs a lot, especially the tongue-in-cheeck punky attitude of the singer, but then i thought it started getting kind of repetitive. That's what shuffle is for. Betty Davis - Betty Davis & They Say I'm Different: Hooooly crap this is good. You know how when you buy a funk album there's like one or two really good, funky songs, and the rest of it is like schmoozy R&B? Both of these albums are *full* of the really, really good stuff. By fnord12 | November 14, 2007, 9:21 AM | Music| Link
Terrifying Best error page ever (needs sound). By fnord12 | November 13, 2007, 4:42 PM | Ummm... Other?| Link Alright, who infiltrated the New York Times? Wow, suddenly the NYT is awake and criticizing the Democrats from the left: On Thursday, the Senate voted by 53 to 40 to confirm Mr. Mukasey even though he would not answer a simple question: does he think waterboarding, a form of simulated drowning used to extract information from a prisoner, is torture and therefore illegal? Democrats offer excuses for their sorry record, starting with their razor-thin majority. But it is often said that any vote in the Senate requires more than 60 votes - enough to overcome a filibuster. So why did Mr. Mukasey get by with only 53 votes? Given the success the Republicans have had in blocking action when the Democrats cannot muster 60 votes, the main culprit appears to be the Democratic leadership, which seems uninterested in or incapable of standing up to Mr. Bush. Senator Charles Schumer, the New York Democrat who turned the tide for this nomination, said that if the Senate did not approve Mr. Mukasey, the president would get by with an interim appointment who would be under the sway of "the extreme ideology of Vice President Dick Cheney." He argued that Mr. Mukasey could be counted on to reverse the politicization of the Justice Department that occurred under Alberto Gonzales, and that Mr. Mukasey's reticence about calling waterboarding illegal might well become moot, because the Senate was considering a law making clear that it is illegal. That is precisely the sort of cozy rationalization that Mr. Schumer and his colleagues have used so many times to back down from a confrontation with Mr. Bush. The truth is, Mr. Mukasey is already in the grip of that "extreme ideology." If he were not, he could have answered the question about waterboarding. Mr. Bush said Mr. Mukasey could not do so because it would reveal classified information about Central Intelligence Agency interrogation techniques. That is nonsense. Mr. Mukasey was not asked if C.I.A. jailers have used waterboarding on prisoners, something he could be expected to know nothing about. He was simply asked if, as a general matter, waterboarding is illegal. It was not a difficult question. Waterboarding is specifically banned by the Army Field Manual, and it is plainly illegal under the federal Anti-Torture Act, federal assault statutes, the Detainee Treatment Act, the Convention Against Torture and the Geneva Conventions. It is hard to see how any nominee worthy of the position of attorney general could fail to answer "yes." And Frank Rich, a columnist at NYT that i normally don't think much of, also weighs in in a very radical way: But there's another moral to draw from the Musharraf story, and it has to do with domestic policy, not foreign. The Pakistan mess, as The New York Times editorial page aptly named it, is not just another blot on our image abroad and another instance of our mismanagement of the war on Al Qaeda and the Taliban. It also casts a harsh light on the mess we have at home in America, a stain that will not be so easily eradicated. Meanwhile, after NTY editorialist David Brooks tried to whitewash Reagan's racism, both the always awesome Paul Krugman and the sometimes-pretty-good Bob Herbert gave him a smackdown. Both are also NYT editorialists. It's like someone took over the paper. How long will it last? By fnord12 | November 13, 2007, 2:03 PM | Liberal Outrage| Link This time i'm a'gonna win Thanks to joshua for the tip on getting a $25 gift card if you buy Mario Galaxies at Toys R Us today. And no thanks at all to our supposedly inside man at Toy R Us for the same. I was definitely gonna get the game cause it looks like a game that min can sort of play along in without getting dizzy, but we've got Oblivion and Okami to get through before i was going to buy anything new. But you can't pass up essentially buying the game for half-price. The video game section of the store was totally full, and when i got to the counter, they didn't even ask me what i wanted; they just pulled out the next copy of Galaxies. I guess this is the Wii's Halo. I also thought it was funny/sad that the bulletin board in the entranceway of the store was overflowing with recall notices due to lead contamination. By fnord12 | November 13, 2007, 1:54 PM | Video Games| Link
Better or worse than giant lego men? By fnord12 | November 12, 2007, 8:08 PM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (2) | Link 51 is 51 again The shoe is on the other foot, so 60 votes aren't needed this time. How, then, can this be explained? The 53-to-40 vote made Mr. Mukasey, a former federal judge, the third person to head the Justice Department during the tenure of President Bush . . . Thirty-nine Democrats and one independent [Bernie Sanders] opposed him. Beyond that, four Senate Democrats running for President missed the vote, and all four had announced they oppose Mukasey's confirmation. Thus, at least 44 Senators claimed to oppose Mukasey's confirmation -- more than enough to prevent it via filibuster. So why didn't they filibuster, the way Senate Republicans have on virtually every measure this year which they wanted to defeat? Numerous Senate Democrats delivered dramatic speeches from the floor as to why Mukasey's confirmation would be so devastating to the country. The Washington Post said the "vote came after more than four hours of impassioned floor debate." "Torture should not be what America stands for . . . I do not vote to allow torture," said Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy. Russ Feingold said: "we need an attorney general who will tell the president that he cannot ignore the laws passed by Congress. And on that fundamental qualification for this office Judge Mukasey falls short." Feingold added: "If Judge Mukasey won't say the simple truth -- that this barbaric practice is torture -- how can we count on him to stand up to the White House on other issues?" Wow -- it sounds as though there was really a lot at stake in this vote. So why would 44 Democratic Senators make a flamboyant showing of opposing confirmation without actually doing what they could to prevent it? Is it that a filibuster was not possible because a large number of these Democratic Senators were willing to symbolically oppose confirmation so they could say they did -- by casting meaningless votes in opposition knowing that confirmation was guaranteed -- but were unwilling to demonstrate the sincerity of their claimed beliefs by acting on them? By fnord12 | November 12, 2007, 12:42 PM | Liberal Outrage| Link
SuperMegaSpeed Reviews Iron Fist #10 - I really get a "Sandman" vibe from all the backstory and fantasy elements that is being developed for K'un L'un. I'm liking it a lot. Je je je je je je je. Fantastic Four #551 - Doom thought McDuffie was wrapping up all his plots last issue so Doom was surprised to see a new story starting, but it looks like it will be cool. Crap! Starlord #4 - I've really enjoyed this quirky series. I liked Giffen's writing here better than on the main Annihilation books last time. Annihilation: Conquest #1 - You can't kill Blastaar like that, man. Anyway, this was good but i'm still not sold on using Adam Warlock. I was happy to see the High Evolutionary show up; maybe he'll explain what the hell Glorian was up to in Annhilation: Ronan. I hope the big reveal at the end ties to recent events in Mighty Avengers. Astonishing X-Men #23 - I need to go back and re-read #22 to see how this second layer of communication meshes. It looks like it was done very well. Slow as it's been, this is a good story. MODOK's 11 #5 - Lots of double-crossing to keep track of but this was still a lot of fun. It was nice to see MODOK actually honor the contract with the three that didn't switch sides. I hope Van Lente gets more work as he's got a great handle on Marvel characters and this was very enjoyable. Hope someone can figure out the continuity problem with the Mandarins, though. Illuminati #5 - Has Black Bolt really been a skrull since 1972? That seems... insane. And the "clue" in Illuminati #1 doesn't seem like much of a clue, either. But we'll have to see how it all shakes out, and it's certainly interesting. I love Bendis' dialogue. I generally read my books in order from what i think i will enjoy least to what i think i will enjoy most, and this week i just couldn't put the comics in any order because i thought there were going to all be good, and i was right. By fnord12 | November 11, 2007, 5:35 PM | Comics | Comments (5) | Link
No One Trick Pony China's not just about lead in toys, you know. Scientists have found the popular toy's coating contains a chemical that, once metabolized, converts into the toxic "date rape" drug GHB, or gamma-hydroxy butyrate, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission spokesman Scott Wolfson told CNN. "GHB is this drug that in low doses actually causes euphoria," said Dr. Sanjay Gupta, CNN's chief medical correspondent. "In higher doses, it can cause people to go into a coma. It can cause seizures. It can cause something known as hypotonia, where all your muscles just become very flaccid. "And it can cause people to become amnestic, ... which is why it became a date-rape drug," Gupta said. "So this is nasty stuff, and it appears that the chemical is actually converting into it in the body." The arts and craft beads, aimed at children 4 years and older, have been selling since April at major U.S. retail stores as "Aqua Dots" and in Australia under the name "Bindeez Beads." Look, here's the thing. Like feeding their kids bubble tea and whole fish with the bones, this whole date rape drug in paint beads is a test of intelligence and ability. The kids who don't choke to death on tapioca balls flying at high speeds through a straw or on fish bones are fit to continue living. Kids who can't get through this test of survival, who are too stupid to know not to swallow paint beads, or say, magnetic barbie dog poo, just don't make the cut. The Chinese are just weeding out the weak. What's the problem? By min | November 8, 2007, 2:44 PM | Ummm... Other?| Link
Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November One day late. Following a link from Digby, i was brought to this article by Harper's Magazine's Scott Horton about celebrating Counterterrorism Day. But today Britons have a take on Guy Fawkes that is much at odds with the historical one. Once Fawkes was a symbol of the traitor within. The people were called to be on guard against his like. No longer. Today Guy Fawkes is increasingly viewed as the heroic figure prepared to stand against an unjust and oppressive state, as a martyr and a victim of torture. What are the lessons of Guy Fawkes Day for 2007? I propose three: I fear that Americans won't learn these lessons until they or their friends or their family get accused by this government of being a Guy Fawkes and by then it will be much too late. By min | November 6, 2007, 12:20 PM | Liberal Outrage| Link Recap #12 By min | November 6, 2007, 12:04 PM | D&D | Comments (5) | Link Thas Nae Alcohol, Laddie Tis only the blood of Christ I've been takin' a wee nip of. Altar wine is an essential part of the eucharist, the ritual in which Catholics believe the priest turns bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. A priest drinks a small amount of the wine during the mass.
Father Iggy??? The blood of Christ isn't about to go bad, is it? Couldn't they just, i dunno, refrigerate it for next week's eucharist? It's already gross and full of everybody's backwash. I don't think a week in the fridge could possibly make it any worse. Also, it's the blood of Christ! It's not alcohol. Who's getting drunk off of Jesus' blood? The Roman Catholics do truly believe in transmogrification, right? So there's no problem. When are the Catholics going to admit that they're just pagans? I mean, really. All the ritual and the drinking of ritualistic blood and they're somehow not pagans? Pagans. By min | November 6, 2007, 11:27 AM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (4) | Link This page has the good pictures. This page has the description for those of you whose lives were too sad to have ever been in a velcro race. Velcro Olympics is an exciting new inflatable in which two guests put on velcro suits and compete by climbing, crawling and clawing their way through tunnels, over obstacles and under nets. But, just to make things interesting, this game includes lots of velcro which impedes the participants' speed and agility. I'm sure my memory is hyping up exactly how much fun this was, but i don't care. I'm telling you anyway that it's the most awesome thing and i think every household should have one. I loved it so much that i went through again (not for the first time) even after i sprained my ankle. We should get one for my birthday. By min | November 6, 2007, 11:20 AM | My stupid life | Comments (1) | Link
SuperMegaSpeed Reviews Daredevil annual #1 - Was this good? Yes. Would i be interested in a Black Tarantula series written by Ande Parks? Maybe, but i don't know how it could be much more than another Punisher series. Would i be interested in just about anything set in the Marvel Universe and written by Ed Brubaker? Yes. Iron Man #23 - Hey, are these covers part of an interconnecting picture? Doesn't look like it, considering the cover to Iron Man #24 (and that's a really cool cover). But if not, what's that thing reaching towards Gadget on the cover of this issue? Anyway this was quite good. I enjoyed the appearance by Doc Sampson and seeing the Superhero Registration Act getting turned around on Tony. Min is right that Maya had better be under a subtle form of mind control or else she's being way too naive, but i think we've seen the Mandarin doing enough mental manipulation in this story that we can assume that's the case. Quasar #4 - They got confused. They heard i wanted Warlock, but they gave me the wrong one. My idea fit the plot better. During the first Annihilation people asked "How can you do a cosmic storyline without Adam Warlock?" and the response was "Let's see if we can have a cosmic story without dragging Him out every time.", and they did and it was good. I'm not sure that his appearance is anything other than "Here's yer Adam Warlock", but i'm sure it'll still be good. This issue, and this series, was very good. Also, heh: By fnord12 | November 5, 2007, 8:57 AM | Comics | Comments (2) | Link
Fluff Buh? alacrity [uh-lak-ri-tee] [Origin: 1500-10; By min | November 3, 2007, 1:06 PM | Good Words| Link
The History of Marvel Comics Covers A great series by Tom Brevoort. Update: Unfortunately the original pages were taken down when Marvel revamped their site, but i've preserved them here. By fnord12 | November 2, 2007, 9:08 AM | Comics| Link
Random Lyrics Thursday Note: i'm not a big billy joel fan but i've always thought this was a good song, esp. the lyrics (although he didn't have to say "Pressure" after every. single. line.). When i first heard it on the radio, i thought it was 80s era Bowie for a few minutes. Hey, that's a compliment, right? "Dude, when i first heard your song, i thought it a semi-washed up, high-on-cocaine legend from the 70s putting out a half-way decent song again*! Until i heard the happy pappy poppy chorus." You have to learn to pace yourself You used to call me paranoid All grown up and no place to go (I'll tell you what it means) Don't ask for help All your life is Time Magazine Pressure I'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale *David Bowie put out some very good music in the early 80s, too. By fnord12 | November 1, 2007, 8:46 AM | Music | Comments (1) | Link |