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So You Thought You Were Safe Because You Were Bigger

Not the case any longer for you elementary school teachers out there.

Nine-year-olds at a school in the U.S. state of Georgia brought a broken steak knife, handcuffs and electrical tape to school in a plot to injure their teacher, authorities said on Tuesday.
"The plan was to handcuff the teacher, put tape over her mouth and hit her over the head with the paperweight and possibly cut her," said Lt. Duane Caswell of Waycross police, adding that some students said the knife was simply there to cut the tape.

"It was a rather elaborate scheme for children of that age," he said.

The students spent a week planning the attack and planned to carry it out on the day they were caught, Caswell said.

Nine pupils in the grade, most of whom were 9 years old, have been disciplined and some were given long-term suspensions, said Theresa Martin, spokeswoman for the Ware County school district in the southeastern part of the state.

I would like to know:
a) what exactly these kids had against the teacher?
b) was there a legitimate reason for their aggression, like she burned them with a lighter as punishment?
c) what about the parents?
d) screw punishment, what about counseling?

And people make comments about the schools i went to. Sheesh.

By min | April 3, 2008, 1:08 PM | Ummm... Other?


you didn't read the articles apparently where the principals and the parents and supposedly the teacher said that these were good kids and it was an isolated incident. clearly they were good, since they just wanted to tie her up and stab her. but its okay cause they're really good kids.

i also heard that they were some of the "special" students, but i dont think that makes it better. especially since everyone is still saying they're good kids..


She had punished one of the kids for standing on a chair. She deserved what she had coming.

We used to do this all the time back in fourth grade, but we were never dumb enough to get caught.

You forgot to include this picture of the kids:


But really, they're good kids. They're just misunderstood.

You see good kids turned evil. I see kids who don't have enough toys to take out their agression on.

where's your thesis on the transformers, bob?

I still need to create a blog so I can blog about my thesis.

Oh wait, I alerady abandoned that blog, didn't I.
