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Paranoia sets in

Reading this...

The next thing that will piss me off... ...Is watching everyone rush off to read Chris Dodd's proposal, and rather than read it and judge it on the merits of the proposal, read it and compare it to the ridiculous opener from Paulson. Instead of reading the Dodd proposal and saying "this is a good idea" or "this sucks hard," we will be treated to a few days of "well, it was better than what Paulson suggested." Which, no doubt, will be true, because what Paulson asked for was completely ridiculous- "Give me a trillion dollars and then piss off."

And then I will scream, because it is clear that this nation and our leadership have bargaining skills that are less sophisticated than your average seven year old:

Mom, can I have the soccer team over for a sleep-over on Friday?


How about just Jimmy and Mike and Timmy and Scott?

I think that would be ok, but let me check with your father.

...i start to wonder if this wasn't the plan all along. Paulson was awful quick to agree to Dodd's equity change.

By fnord12 | September 23, 2008, 10:43 AM | Liberal Outrage


ah. that's my dad's strategy of negotiation where my dad is dodd and the car dealer is paulson. which proves, once again, the republicans are cannier than the democrats.