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St. Paul Teams Up With RNC To Kill The First Amendment

The RNC got St. Paul to replace their cops with Storm Troopers in order to keep the unsavouries away from the convention. Not content with beating on the protesters, the St. Paul baton-wielding enforcers started arresting journalists trying to cover the protest. Not only did they arrest Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! (liberal hussy) for asking them about the status of 2 other journalists they had previously arrested, but the got an AP photographer and pepper sprayed Donna Brazile.

Now, when the anarchists start smashing cars and breaking windows, it's no surprise that the riot police would get out the gear and start beating people down before they arrest them. It's not exactly a winning tactic, but not really a surprise. But, when they start pepper spraying CNN correspondents, you know they're a little trigger happy and power mad.

So, while all this is going on near the Xcel Center, police also surrounded a quarantined a house where video journalists I-Witness were staying. They had no warrant initially. And when they finally did get one, it was for the adjoining house. Not to be deterred by a dangerous radical group who happen to know about Constitutional Rights, they went into the house next door and broke down the attic door to get into the I-Witness house. Then they handcuffed the lot of them and sat them in the back patio until, presumably, they were given the word that it was ok to let them go. No charges were brought against the journalists. Here's the video:

If this pisses you off (or scares the bejeezus out of you), go sign the letter on Free Press.

By min | September 3, 2008, 10:47 AM | Liberal Outrage