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There's "analysis" and then there's analysis

Why do we have to wait for the pundits to get caught with their mikes on to hear what they are really thinking? Aren't they paid to give their opinions? By keeping their opinions to themselves and offering phoney analyses, doesn't that prove that they're just propagandists? Or at least interested in prolonging the contest in the interest of ratings?


After the NBC comments surfaced, Noonan updated her Journal column online, lamenting that she had been "mugged by the nature of modern media" and apologizing for her rough language. She said that her statement that "It's over" was out of context, and was not a conclusion about the likely outcome of the McCain-Obama race, and her true feelings toward Palin were favorable.

Bullshit! Propagandists it is.

By fnord12 | September 3, 2008, 6:43 PM | Liberal Outrage