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Rodney Acquired

If this website never served any other purpose, at the very least it can always be said that it's how i got my Rodney Needs Love gorilla, thanks to Comrade Mandy contacting me via my previous post. He's a little smaller than the Rodney we had when i was a kid, but he'll still be loved.

Now if only we can stop him from trying to "love" all our other stuffed friends.

By fnord12 | October 14, 2008, 1:00 PM | My stupid life


the coolest monkies ever created

rodney ;simply the best there is

have you found any x-tra ones im looking for the same one!!!

any info would be greatly appreciated..

thanks so much-

have you found any x-tra ones im looking for the same one!!!

any info would be greatly appreciated..

thanks so much-