« November 2008 | Main | January 2009 » December 24, 2008We've brought the super-awesome evil Santa Claus (Anti-Claus?) in to keep track of you while we are on vacation this holiday week. Dude doesn't use reindeer. He uses reinsnakes. That's not enough to demonstrate his awesomeness for you? Dude has dragons. So don't pout and we'll see you in the new year. By fnord12 | December 24, 2008, 1:38 PM | My stupid life| Link Merry Christmas! By min | December 24, 2008, 10:59 AM | Music| Link Mini Mousse My foray into making smaller versions of my mousse cake. Now if i could figure out a good way of extracting them from their little pans that didn't involved super long fingers and 3 hands... By min | December 24, 2008, 10:54 AM | My stupid life | Comments (7) | Link
Sounds good to me Instead of layoffs, seems some companies are 'forcing' their employees into 4 day work weeks and things like that. I'm officially volunteering for that to happen to me. By fnord12 | December 22, 2008, 3:04 PM | Liberal Outrage | Comments (4) | Link
Oh Sears Wishbook, How We Miss You What the hell happened to the goddamned Sears Wishbook? Was it Toys 'R' Us? Is it their fault? Damn you, Toys 'R' Us!
Damn youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
By min | December 18, 2008, 2:39 PM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (2) | Link Foot on the Brain "It looked like the breach delivery of a baby, coming out of the brain," Grabb said. "To find a perfectly formed structure (like this) is extremely unique, unusual, borderline unheard of." By min | December 18, 2008, 2:31 PM | Science | Comments (2) | Link It doesn't take much to get Alan Moore spinning in his beard, of course. By fnord12 | December 18, 2008, 1:00 PM | Comics & Movies & Video Games| Link Mephisto: He'll eat your marriage! By fnord12 | December 18, 2008, 10:21 AM | Comics| Link The agents are talking In this war of a sort The public indifference It's silent monolopy War of the sword This is a This is a Of a bigger piece of you By fnord12 | December 18, 2008, 9:00 AM | Music | Comments (3) | Link
What About the Galactus Contingency Plan? If you were the incoming administration, would you trust any contingency plan the Bush White House came up with? The memorandums envision a variety of volatile possibilities, like a North Korean nuclear explosion, a cyberattack on American computer systems, a terrorist strike on United States facilities overseas or a fresh outbreak of instability in the Middle East, according to people briefed on them. Each then outlines options for Obama to consider. The contingency planning goes beyond what other administrations have done, with President George W. Bush and Obama vowing to work in tandem to ensure a more efficient transition in a time of war and terrorist threat. The commission that investigated the Sept. 11 attacks, noting problems during the handover from President Bill Clinton to Bush, called for a better process "since a catastrophic attack could occur with little or no notice," as its report put it. I mean, c'mon. This is the same group of people who used the terrorist attack on Sept. 11th to take away our civil liberties, pushing through things like the Patriot Act and using it to justify illegal wiretapping and invading Iraq. Is Obama really going to trust suggestions from Bush and Co. on what to do in case of a catastrophe? And putting all that paranoia aside, who in their right mind is going to take the advice of the biggest bunch of screwups ever? Hello! New Orleans is still a disaster. What the hell kind of advice could these people possibly give that would be worth the paper it's printed on? If anything, these contingency plans the White House is being so helpful in providing should be used solely as a way to understand what you should not do. There is only 1 person Obama needs to consult on contingency plans - the Black Panther. By min | December 17, 2008, 10:33 AM | Liberal Outrage | Comments (2) | Link
Marvel Sales By fnord12 | December 15, 2008, 11:13 AM | Comics| Link SuperMegaSpeed Reviews Secret Invasion #8 - Well this really all fell to pieces in the end. I think the whole idea of super-skrulls mimicking the powers of just about every super-hero was the downfall. Not only is that implausible and opening a pandora's box, but it also was a distraction from the key appeal of the concept of this series: that skrulls can infiltrate all the powerful organizations on earth because of their shape-shifting abilities. To the degree that they did infilitrate, it was almost completely ineffective. There was very little done to play up the paranoia aspect or the fact that the skrulls could have been ordering in the army or various super-hero teams to fight each other. In the end we have just a big brawl with the Diminishing Threat effect in full display; super-skrulls that were previously unbeatable are now just disposable. Characterization was pretty poor and a lot of the dramatic moments just felt like little random elements to be developed further in the crossover books. And then there's the whole Janet-bomb thing; what the hell was that? New Avengers #47 - This was a pretty good little backstory for Luke Cage, but it's kind of frustrating that the main "baby is missing" story was developed not one tiny bit forward. Also, if you're going to have Hawkeye prominently on the cover of your comic, with a picture of Mockingbird right next to him, and you've just brought Mockingbird back from the dead after 20 years, you should probably deal with that a little bit on the inside, even if it is just another skrullitized tribute picture. Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1 - Ugh, please tell me Maleev isn't going to be involved in Dark Reign. Yu's terrible art was a major contributing factor to how bad Secret Invasion was; Maleev's miserable sketches will be that much worse on any new crossover. Namor looks just absolutely terrible. Namor is not a balding, scruffy bum. The White Queen is supposed to be attractive, and i presume Loki-girl isn't supposed to look like an old hag either. Maleev's depiction of Osborn's breakdown in the end of the issue is not only weird looking and poorly drawn, but it's a terrible waste of space; taking an entire page to do what could have been much more effective in a few panels. I thought Bendis' depicton of Doom was very good, but other than that i'm really starting to think that Bendis is either doing too much at once or has passed his peak. By fnord12 | December 15, 2008, 7:21 AM | Comics| Link
Why It's Important to Keep a Spare From the Detroit Free Press Dearborn Police officers responded to a call at 7:15 a.m. today by the man requesting help, Sgt. Ray Patrick said. They had to use a universal key to free the woman. "I think it was more of an intimate relationship than an unlawful imprisonment," Patrick said. By min | December 12, 2008, 3:51 PM | Ummm... Other?| Link
Random Lyrics Thursday Better late than never.
The first time I saw lightning strike
The second time I saw it strike
Hey hey hey!!!
The third time I saw lightning strike
Hey hey hey!!! By min | December 11, 2008, 5:04 PM | Music| Link
Recap #22 By min | December 10, 2008, 3:02 PM | D&D| Link Representative Samples - CDBaby Editor's Pick Our band's first album just became available on CD Baby for online sale, and we made it onto the "Editor's Pick" list. Yay us! Here's the link to our CD Baby page where people can buy the CD, listen to audio clips, and leave reviews. We expect the digital sales to be available soon. By min | December 10, 2008, 11:54 AM | Music & My stupid life| Link 'Cat'-Astrophe? Really? I don't know what's worse. The gross factor of this story or the awful puns run amok. Edgar, a 4-year-old long-haired feline, went missing from her home in Winthrop for three days last week. When she finally came home, her owner found her in her litter box -- with part of her face dangling from her head. ''When her owner saw her face, she passed out,'' said Elizabeth Kendrick, a surgical technician at Angell Animal Medical Center. The owner, who asked not to be identified, recovered from the shock and rushed Edgar to an animal hospital. Remarkably, Edgar suffered no major blood loss nor any permanent nerve damage from her accident. She just needed to have her facial skin stitched back on during an hour-long surgery, according to veterinary surgeon Michael Pavletic. Me-ouch? *roll eyes* By min | December 10, 2008, 11:20 AM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (3) | Link |