« A Better Expenditure of Resources Than Learning to Kill Goats With the Mind | Main | More Technology I Don't Grok » Another Reason Not to DrinkYeah, i know. What else is new? Yet another thing that causes cancer. The list of things that don't cause cancer would be much easier to present. I think it would be a blank sheet of paper. People whose faces turn red when they drink alcohol may be facing more than embarrassment. The flushing may indicate an increased risk for a deadly throat cancer, researchers report. Over 9 drinks/week is considered moderate?? I suppose if it were spread out over the entire 7 days, it's not really that much.......still sounds like alot to me, though. I get flushed. So does most of my family. And there's also talk of itchy feet when drinking's being done. I wish someone would do a study about that. At any rate, i never really liked the taste of any alcohol unless it was so disguised that it didn't really taste like alcohol anymore (unless it's rum, which i apparently can't actually taste, hence my deadly New Year's Rum Punch. the fumes alone will get you tipsy), so not much of a hardship for me. Besides, i can't afford the brain cells. By min | March 23, 2009, 8:55 AM | Science CommentsMan that's depressing. I think I need a drink now. |