« China wonders aloud if we can repay our debts | Main | She's absolutely right: Siphonophore » End of SuburbiaMy favorite peak-oil prophet gets some mainstream write-up in the business press: The downturn has accomplished what a generation of designers and planners could not: it has turned back the tide of suburban sprawl. In the wake of the foreclosure crisis many new subdivisions are left half built and more established suburbs face abandonment. Cul-de-sac neighborhoods once filled with the sound of backyard barbecues and playing children are falling silent. Communities like Elk Grove, Calif., and Windy Ridge, N.C., are slowly turning into ghost towns with overgrown lawns, vacant strip malls and squatters camping in empty homes. In Cleveland alone, one of every 13 houses is now vacant, according to an article published Sunday in The New York Times magazine. By fnord12 | March 13, 2009, 5:47 PM | Liberal Outrage |