« Guilt & Swindle | Main | Whoosawhaaa?! » In defense of nerdsThe New Yorker's Anthony Lane did not like The Watchmen:"Watchmen," like "V for Vendetta," harbors ambitions of political satire, and, to be fair, it should meet the needs of any leering nineteen-year-old who believes that America is ruled by the military-industrial complex, and whose deepest fear--deeper even than that of meeting a woman who requests intelligent conversation--is that the Warren Commission may have been right all along. I've never had a single sip of Shasta in my life. By fnord12 | March 5, 2009, 9:44 PM | Comics CommentsFor the record "film critics" are more reviled that "comic book geeks". Trust me, I know. I'm a film critic. I mean, look at the portrayals of film critics in the media. Jay Sherman from the animated show The Critic. Gene Shalit takes the occasional beating on the show Family Guy. And what about the critics themselves? Don't even get me started on that elitist jerk Roger Ebert and his love for Babe: Pig in the City and The Happening, but his general disdain for horror movies. And what about all those critics Uwe Boll beat up? Oh, and in case you forgot, there was alsothe time I was beaten by nuns. Thanks to Spored's comment, i found out about Uwe Boll's challenge that if 1 million people signed a petition for him to retire, he would. It's 2+ years old at this point, but we just saw Bloodrayne so... i signed it. http://www.cinematical.com/2008/04/06/one-million-signatures-and-uwe-boll-will-quit-making-movies/ i'm #327,404. |