« Ummmm... good? | Main | Random Lyrics Thursday » SuperMegaSpeed ReviewsAgents of Atlas #2 - I love everything about this: the crazy 50s super-science ghost story flashbacks, the modern interactions with second rate supervillains, the dialogue, the political maneuvering, the talking apes. It's just got everything you need in a comic book. Avengers: The Initiative #22 - This, on the other hand, i can't love, no matter how much i try. Ramos' art is killing it, first of all, and the focus on Clor isn't the wisest move, but i think the problem has a lot more to do with me just not being able to like all these new characters. It's odd, because i remember how easily Gage made me like a bunch of New-Young X-Men that i had never read or cared about before in a single issue of the X-Men: Planet Hulk mini. It's just not working here. During Secret Invasion, there was a lot more focusing on pre-existing characters, and it kept me hanging on and even liking it, but since then it's very quickly become intolerable. Again, Ramos may be a major factor. But i'm dropping this. Here's hoping Gage gets a better book to work on because i'm still pretty sure he's a good writer. Captain America #47 - As always, the book takes a slight hit when Epting skips an issue, but it's still top notch. I'm not sure if i enjoyed or was a little put off by Namor's grousing as he carried out his part of the plan. Right now i'm leaning towards liking it, but i think i was a little put off by it during my first read. Anyway, good stuff. Daredevil #116 - Interesting character development for the Kingpin. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it... the preview art for next issue is intriguing. Fantastic Four #564 - When you have a team with a reputation for lateness, putting out a Christmas issue in March is probably not a good idea, whatever the reality may be. More importantly, though, i really can't bring myself to care about any of this any more. And i think the scenes with Valeria and Franklin are just really damaging. Franklin gets younger and dumber every year, which is just stupid. Anyway, another drop. I stuck around for too long hoping it would get better. Hercules #126 - Good stuff. Interesting choice to have a total flashback issue (except for the back-up) but i'm fine with it. My only complaint is if you're gonna do a several page text piece on the history of Hercules and his greatest accomplishments, how do you leave out the time he dragged the isle of Manhattan around on chain? New Avengers #50 - Funny dialogue and good character moments in the set-up for the big fight with the Dark Avengers. I liked the acknowledgment that they just weren't on the Dark team's power levels (mainly due to Ares and Sentry) and needed to resort to more subtle tactics. I thought the twist of Osborn not taking the bait and sending in another group to do his dirty work was cool. And Hawkeye's scene at the end was just so logical that it seems like the obvious thing to do, and yet it's not the sort of thing that usually happens. I even thought the fight scene was fairly well done, which is rare for a Bendis book. On the downside, i thought the alternating artists was disorienting, especially the Ms. Marvel page, and i think the Hood's group of villains are somewhat mishandled. On the one hand, you have villains like the Slug, a second rate Kingpin who shouldn't even be fighting hand-to-hand as a grunt, and then you have the Wrecking Crew who should more or less be able to take on this team of Avengers all by themselves (i know, i know... i'm supposed to get over it). But overall, very good. Nova #22 - I would say that while the plot developments are almost cliche at this point, everything is being done very well so it's ok. And this is just the set-up; we'll have to see where it goes. I do hope the group of non-Earthling Centurians (The Rigellian, the Fin Fang Foomian, the Shi'ar guy, and the floating head) stick around after this is all resolved. Secret Warriors #2 - Alright, who the hell is the Gorgon? I know i'm supposed to know... Is he from the Wolverine Enemy of the State story? Google says... yes. And since when are Madame Hydra and Viper two separate women? And Kraken and the Hive? Anyway, they all seem interesting. I thought Phobos' predictions were an interesting development as well. And of course, Baron Von Strucker massacring a bunch of Skrulls with the Satan Claw and then blowing up his entire underwater empire and then casually swimming off to rebuild Hydra from scratch was a nice touch. I liked the glimpse into Hydra's recruiting policies - usually you're not supposed to really think about where all these terrorist groups with no apparent ideologies are recruiting their endless supply of goons. I'm still a little unsettled by the idea that Hydra has always been running SHIELD as it stands to undermine a lot of classic stories, but we'll see where it goes. War Machines #3 - I stuck around hoping that the fight between Ares and War Machine would be interesting, but it wasn't. And everyone is so devoid of personality. It's all so bitter and dry and everyone's talking to everyone else on a view screen. It's hard to believe this is by the same guy that's writing Hercules. Oh well. Dropping it. War of the Kings #1 - I continue to not have high hopes for this. Good fight, i guess between the Shi'ar Imperial Guard and the Inhumans, but it seems like the decision to leave was kind of arbitrary. I dunno, we'll see. It's only the first issue. X-Force #12 - I enjoyed the explanation for Hrimhari showing up best. It made perfect sense and it just seemed right. I think the main plot is good too, with the team essentially falling for Bastion's trap and this Leper Queen being an interesting character. Shame to kill Beautiful Dreamer, though, even if i haven't seen her since that Power Pack / X-Men crossover 23 years ago. Captain Britain & MI13: Secret Invasion - In some ways this was better than the Wisdom trade because it was a little more structured and had better craft, but on the other hand i think some of the strengths of that series, with its crazy Morrison-like ideas, was a bit lost in this run. Still, i enjoyed it. We'll have to see how it's doing now that it's not part of a crossover. By fnord12 | March 11, 2009, 11:31 PM | Comics |