« Random Lyrics Thursday | Main | Don't Let the River Crab Harmonize You! » Up in ArmsNorth Korea announced that they were going to launch a communications satellite, and everyone's pretty much afraid that it's really a missile test. South Korean officials said Thursday that North Korea had notified international authorities that it will launch a communications satellite in early April, a move the United States and other countries fear could be a test of a missile that could reach as far as the West Coast of the United States. They did file the appropriate warnings so that ships and planes wouldn't be in danger. That's rather unusual of them, to be so considerate. Kim Jong-Il's a crackpot, for sure, so their concerns are founded. But, you know, mebbe they just want better tv reception? It's prolly a missile test. By min | March 12, 2009, 11:31 AM | Ummm... Other? CommentsDoesn't North Korea usually just fire test missiles across neighboring countries whenever it feels like it? Why be so covert this time? Because it's an ICMB, or because of the 2006 resolution? mebbe he was in a good mood this week. |