« Clarence Thomas: Bill of rights?!? What about Bill of responsibilities! | Main | Marvel Sales » I had to receive special approval from myself to post this in the "Godzilla" categoryWhen Spored_to_Death said the Clarence Thomas story looked familiar, for a brief moment i thought maybe he had blogged something on politics. Of course that was crazy, but i checked his site and i did find a review of a movie that hasn't made its way to the top of my netflix queue yet... War of the Gargantuas. It's a Toho film, you know. And it turns out to actually be a political allegory after all. You'd think if Spored was only going to do one post a month he'd let us know when it was up, especially if it's a review of a Toho film. I still don't know why the Clarence Thomas story looked familiar. Probably reminded him of Phantom of the Opera or something, with Thomas always having to retreat to the darkness of his basement. By fnord12 | April 14, 2009, 1:26 PM | Godzilla Commentsit was not familiar to you because you did not receive the missive from spored on the very same clarence thomas topic. i, on the other hand, am so connected that all i have to do is sit back and the news comes to me. And what that means is that I have min's email address, but not fnord12's. If I did, he would get on the exclusive Spored to Death mailing list, which I may set up a second exclusive email account for. Right after my exams. |