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When Class Trips Go Awry

When i think of class trips, i think "Awesome! No sitting in a classroom all day doing work!". Well, not so for these kids! For them, it's just a quick lesson in death.

A deckhand on a charter boat full of school children from L.A. choked to death on a bait fish he had put in his mouth as a joke.

Captain Dan Salas of the boat Gale Force said his employee Jeff Twaddle died during a fishing trip for the students last week along breakwater in Long Beach.


The fish lodged in his throat, Twaddle quickly lost consciousness and was later pronounced dead at St. Mary Medical Center.

Now these poor kids have to get counselling for trauma.

H/T wnkr

By min | April 1, 2009, 1:27 PM | Ummm... Other?


we've got a class trip to an aquarium coming up. thanks for the tip. will try to keep an eye out for people who might die so that its less traumatic. no one better eat a fish...

or attempt to pet a shark...