« It's what he's there for, right? | Main | Random Lyrics Thursday » SuperMegaSpeed ReviewsMarvel Divas #2 - This continues to be really good. I like the indie-ish art style, and i just love the character interactions and attention to continuity. I'm sad it's only a 4 issue mini. Marvels Project #1 - This will be interesting. I'm really surprised that Marvel is interested in putting out a Roy Thomas/Mark Gruenwald style continuity dot connector in this day and age, but i have no complaints about it, especially when Brubaker and Epting are the creators. Hercules #132 - I guess this won't be leading up to a line-wide Casket of Ancient Winters crossover, huh? Still, this was awesome. I like the art, too. Reilly Brown? Keep him on the book. By fnord12 | August 18, 2009, 9:55 AM | Comics |