« April 2010 | Main | June 2010 » May 28, 2010Origins of the rust monster Awesome: I had that bag of dinosaurs. I had lost all the 'dinosaurs' by the time i started playing D&D, but i remembered having it. Had no idea the toys were actually the inspiration for the monster. Always kind of wondered about it but never thought to look it up until tonight (my memory was triggered after seeing this ad in an old comic i was reading (New Mutants #1) and looking to see if it was possible for me to re-purchase those old model sets on ebay (it's not, currently, anyway)). Apparently the owlbear and bulette were created the same way, but i don't remember having them. By fnord12 | May 28, 2010, 1:28 AM | D&D| Link
Danger Lasers So, at work, there's a bin by the door to catch the newspapers that get dropped through the slot. Everyday i walk by this bin and grab the papers. For 3+ years now, i've done this. And i've always noticed this piece of paper sitting in the bin, but didnt' think much of it. Figured it was just some random piece of paper that fell in. I finally took a look at it the other day. Ok, WTF? A sign that starts off with the words "Danger" and "lasers"should not be casually dropped in the newspaper bin. It should be hung up somewhere with a giant blinking arrow pointing at it. As soon as i figure out where these fiber optic cables are being used, i'm gonna go stare into one. By min | May 21, 2010, 11:44 AM | My stupid life | Comments (5) | Link
On top of things Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE): I've Never Used An ATM -- But I Can Learn! I Know About Holograms By fnord12 | May 20, 2010, 10:40 AM | Liberal Outrage | Comments (1) | Link
Mr. Balls Is a fantastic name for a cat. However, it's a terrible name for a politician. By min | May 17, 2010, 1:20 PM | Ummm... Other? | Comments (1) | Link
Carrying stuff around on bikes When we run out of oil, it's what you'll have to do. By fnord12 | May 13, 2010, 4:43 PM | Ummm... Other?| Link How about we get some Senators under the age of 70? WSJ: A Bond spokeswoman, referring to the claim Bond had fallen asleep during the Tuesday meeting, said: "Resorting to baseless personal attacks clearly shows Senator Bond touched a nerve and raised questions someone doesn't want asked." Sen. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) also weighed in, saying he sat beside Bond during the briefing, and "I can tell you he was awake." Hatch said that sometimes the lights in the room are so bright "you have to rest your eyes for a bit; you get light burn." He was just resting his eyes? Really? I've heard that one before. By fnord12 | May 13, 2010, 10:51 AM | Liberal Outrage| Link Why is Obama working to re-elect Specter? There's currently a primary going on in Pennsylvania between Senator Arlen Specter, who recently switched parties to become a Democrat when he realized he was going to lose in his Republican primary, and Joe Sestak, who is an actual Democrat. Sestak has the momentum, and he's also the candidate that is more likely to defeat the Republican in the general election. But the national Democrats are entering the contest, spending a lot of money to support Specter over Sestak. I don't think the national political parties should get involved in primaries at all, but i definitely don't understand why they are doing so in this case. They're doing the same think in Arkansas, supporting Blanch Lincoln, who did everything in her power to stop or water down the health care reform bill, over her challenger Bill Halter. This is why it never makes sense to give money to groups like the DSCC or the DNC - you never know which nutty right wing candidate they are going to support with the money you give them. By fnord12 | May 13, 2010, 9:15 AM | Liberal Outrage| Link Don't sweat the deficits Good interview with Ezra Klein and James Galbraith. Click it to find out how we can just buy Paris if we can't get our health care costs under control. By fnord12 | May 13, 2010, 9:09 AM | Liberal Outrage| Link
Guy vs girl color names xkcd examines assumptions vs. reality. By fnord12 | May 8, 2010, 11:15 AM | Ummm... Other?| Link Marvel Sales By fnord12 | May 8, 2010, 11:12 AM | Comics| Link Recap 32 By fnord12 | May 8, 2010, 11:02 AM | D&D| Link
My Hero Elizabeth Warren is just soooo adorable, I could eat her up. I would love to see her knock someone's teeth out. By min | May 6, 2010, 12:43 PM | Liberal Outrage| Link
My chair is killing me By fnord12 | May 4, 2010, 4:17 PM | My stupid life & Science| Link John McCain needs to STFU Speaking as someone who was in Times Square the night of the failed bomb attempt, i'd like to see the suspect brought to justice. Therefore John McCain shouldn't be trying to make that impossible. By fnord12 | May 4, 2010, 3:38 PM | Liberal Outrage| Link Oh, yeah. You understood it real good. "We run the risk, by laying out the pros and cons of a particular argument, of inducing people to join in on the debate, and in this regard it is possible to lose control of a process that only we fully understand," Greenspan said, according to the transcripts of a March 2004 meeting. By fnord12 | May 4, 2010, 11:00 AM | Liberal Outrage| Link
Probably not the best phrase to ease "Federal Government = Fascism" concerns. Still, i appreciate the sentiment. By fnord12 | May 3, 2010, 10:00 AM | Liberal Outrage| Link |