« Who Says No to a Part in The Expendables? | Main | Jobs » I should really read reviews before i buy gamesBut i mean, it was a 2D Castlevania game! What i've been clamoring for for over a decade! Yeah... Both pretty accurate. Oh well. By fnord12 | August 9, 2010, 10:28 AM | Video Games CommentsOr at least asked me first! You're the one who told me about this game! I did? I don't remember that. It was certainly worth looking forward to atleast, but man, was the implementation ever lackluster (at least, from playing the demo it seemed to be, and the reviews seem to back that up). Eh, you just told me it was coming out. But my enthusiasm for the series blinded me a bit when i played the demo, so i bought the game and only after playing through the first level and getting killed by the boss for the 3rd time did i start to have doubts... |